Civil war games for mac os x
Civil war games for mac os x

civil war games for mac os x civil war games for mac os x

NOTE 2: Currently, every time you download a new patch for the game it overwrites your a back to default so you will have to comment out line 33 again.

civil war games for mac os x

You will see Library as one of the options in that menu. Hold the Alt key down and select the Finder's Go menu. This item: History Channel Civil War: A Nation Divided - Xbox 360. NOTE: If you are running OS 10.7 (Lion) then Users//Library/ is hidden in Finder. ~/Library/Application Support/Sid Meier's Civilization 5/MODS/ or ~/Documents/Aspyr/Sid Meier's Civilization 5/MODS/ depending on whether you have changed the setting to use the Library instead of Documents. If you have a xxxx.Civ5Mod file use something like Ez7z to expand the file which will create a folder that you can then put in your MODS folder which should be similar to this: (Depending on which version of Civil you have) Some mods work and some do not, it seems rather hit or miss. Open Starcraft (from /Applications in Mac OS) and have fun Here are a few screen shots of the game: The original Starcraft is being made available for free to promote the release of an upcoming version of Starcraft Remastered, which is basically a redrawn version of the original in higher resolution. Play as either the Union or Confederacy - recruit/drill armies, fortify cities, choose commanders, send troops into battle, build navies, raid enemy commerce, and more. This should re-enable the Mods button on the Main Menu. A one or two player strategic level wargame simulating the American Civil War. To comment it out simply add two hyphens like this: ~/Library/Application Support/Steam/SteamApps/common/sid meier's civilization v/assets/UI/FrontEnd/a To re-enable this button you will need to navigate to the a file, open it with a text editor (like TextWrangler) and comment out line 33. The Mods button is disabled in the a file.

Civil war games for mac os x