Projects failed to meet the priority economic structure in the country providing thereby needs of communities stated outputs were not achieved dignified way of life to a citizen as a unit and socio- or, if achieved, not sustained target groups did not benefit in the manner intended project costs escalated economic up liftment of the society. Despite significant aims and objectives of all these programs have been inputs of human and financial resources, many fell short to bring about overall changes in the existing socio- of expectations. The principle be it in physical or qualitative terms. S.Rengasamy, Madurai Institute of Social Sciences One Of the most important administrative developments in the developed as well as in developing countries has been the initiation and growth of a large number of new programs projects in every field like Since the 1950s the development agenda has been agriculture, irrigation, industry, community characterized by projects and programs aimed at improving the quality of life of beneficiary communities, development and social welfare etc. PROJECT PLANNING AND MANAGEMENT (Project Planning / Project Formulation / Project Implementation / Preparation of Project Proposal) Compiled by